About the Journal

The Journal of Geography and Social Sciences is an open access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes substantive and integrative research articles in all areas of geography and social sciences. This journal is published online biannually in the months of June and December by the Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Balochistan, Quetta. It is an open access journal, free for readers.

We provide supportive and accessible services for our authors throughout the publishing process. The benefits of publishing with JGSS are as follows:

  1. HEC Recognition: The Journal of Geography and Social Sciences (JGSS) intends to apply for HEC recognition after publishing its due volumes. Currently, JGSS follows the Y-category peer review process as per HEC guidelines.
  2. Quality: We are committed to the highest standards of blind peer review. The Editorial Board of the journal determines their peer review policy while maintaining highest academic standards.
  3. Rapid Publication: Manuscripts are single-blind peer reviewed, and the first decision takes approximately seven working days after submission. The review process is completed within 8 weeks. Acceptance to publications is undertaken in an average of two weeks.
  4. Open Access: All articles accepted for publication are open-access in HTML and PDF formats.
  5. Publishing Ethics: JGSS adheres to the Committee on Public Ethics (COPE).
  6. Visibility: We are committed to increasing the visibility of articles by accessing major databases and prominent indexing agencies.
  7. ISSN: The JGSS has an electronic E-ISSN: 2708-2253. 
  8. Copy Rights under Creative Commons (CC) Licence: Articles of the JGSS are licensed under Creative Commons (CC), which is a form of licensing that allows any user to “distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon their work,” provided that they credit the original authors in all cases.